Thursday, October 1, 2009


Charisma Defined:
Charisma has been defined various ways
Charisma is a Greek word meaning “divinely inspired gift”
In leadership, charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purposes, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others

Charisma: A Relationship
Key to charismatic leadership is the interaction between leader and group members
Charismatic qualities must be attributed to the leader by group members
Charismatic leaders use impression management to cultivate their relationships with group members

The Effects of Charisma
Group members;
-trust the leader’s beliefs
-have beliefs similar to those of the leader
-accept the leader unquestioningly
-have affection for the leader
-willingly obey the leader
-identify with and attempt to emulate the leader

Types of Charismatic Leaders
Socialized charismatics restrain the use of power to benefit others
Personalized charismatics exercise few restraints on power to serve their own interests
Office-holder charismatics attain their charisma from the position they hold
Personal charismatics gain esteem from others’ faith in them as people
Divine charismatics are endowed with a gift of divine grace

Vision in Charismatic Leadership
-Vision is the ability to imagine different and better conditions and ways to achieve them
-A vision is a lofty, long-term goal
-Charismatic leaders inspire others with their vision

Charismatic Leaders
-Articulate ideological goals

-Impression management
-High need for power, high self confidence
-Set example model behaviors
-High expectations of follower performance
-Behave in ways that arouse motives relevant to the groups mission

Followers feelings towards Charismatic Leaders
-High Trust

-Emotional involvement
-Belief in likeliness of success

Vision and Leadership
Leadership skills include:

Having a vision of the future.
Effectively expressing your ideas to various audiences using a variety of methods.
Garnering support and commanding resources to support your ideas.
Developing and shepherding your ideas into successful policies, programs, and services.

Vision: something seen otherwise than by ordinary sight (as in a dream); a vivid picture created by the imagination; unusual wisdom in foreseeing what is going to happen; something seen, especially a lovely sight.

Effective Expression of Ideas:
-A vision cannot begin to be realized if you cannot express your vision to others.

-The audiences may be as diverse as your professional colleagues, elected officials, corporate and community leaders, your target population, or the public at large.
-You must be able to express yourself to each and all of these diverse audiences and gain their acceptance and support of your ideas.

The Magic of Vision
-Vision sees what must be tomorrow, beyond what is today
-Customers help you see the vision
-Vision inspires
-Vision is clarity
-Vision is a worthy commitment
-Vision generates supportive actions

Developing and Shepherding Ideas
-The vision will not be realized if there is not a plan behind it.
-You must be able to translate the vision into logical, manageable steps that can be understood and approached methodically.
-You must be able to maintain the energy to nurture this plan along, step by step as tedious as it may be.

How You Know You Need a Vision
-Is there evidence of confusion about purpose?
-Do employees complain about insufficient challenge?
-Do employees say they are not having fun any more?
-Is the organization losing market share or reputation for innovation?
-Are there signs of declines of pride in your organization?
-Is there excessive risk avoidance?
-Is there an absence of sharing?
-Is there a strong rumor mill?
-Management by Inspiration
-Using metaphors and analogies to appeal to the intellect, imagination, and values of group members
-Gearing language to different audiences
-Management by Anecdote
-Inspiring and instructing team members by telling fascinating stories

Developing Charisma
-Create visions for others
-Be enthusiastic, optimistic, and energetic
-Be sensibly persistent
-Remember names of people
-Make an impressive appearance
-Be candid
-Display an in-your-face attitude

Transformational Leadership
-The transformational leader helps bring about major, positive changes
-Transformational leaders move group members beyond their self-interests for the good of the group, organization, or society

How Transformations Take Place :

Attributes of Transformational Leaders :
-Create a vision
-Encourage the personal development of their staff
-Provide supportive leadership
-Practice empowerment
-Innovative thinking
-Lead by example

Concerns About Charismatic Leadership
-According to the concept of leadership polarity, leaders are often either revered or vastly unpopular
-Charisma may not be necessary for leadership effectiveness
-Charismatic leadership has a dark side
-Some charismatic and transformational leaders neglect their social responsibility

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